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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১৫ এপ্রিল ২০২৪

History of BSMMC

Fascinated by natural beauty, once flourishing in the east, Fatehabad in the east is today's greater Faridpur district, located almost in the middle of the map of Bangladesh. Born in this Faridpur land, renowned world-renowned and internationally renowned militant leaders and a number of rare personalities have been born. Thus one of the leading figures in Indian politics, the eminent politician Shri Ambikacharan Majumdar served as the 31st President of the Indian Congress, the epitome of Bengali nationalism. Lifelong uncompromising fighting leader. Faridpur district is the sacred memory of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the best Bengali nation for thousands of years. Jasimuddin, a very popular rural poet of Bengal, is also a child of this district.

The people of Faridpur always have to fight against natural calamities and catastrophic river erosion. Despite being very close to the capital city of Dhaka, the vast Padma River has created a major barrier to communication, resulting in many of the poorest people in large towns having difficulty getting the necessary health care. A full-fledged medical college and hospital has not been established in Faridpur for a long time. As a result of which the people of this district have been demanding better and modern health and medical services for a long time, the students of this area have been deprived of access to medical education in the area. So the demand for the establishment of a medical college began to be raised more strongly. Therefore, the government of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman after independence felt the need to establish a medical college and a modern hospital in Faridpur.

He realized the need deeply, but in spite of his strong desire in the socio-economic context of the war-torn newly independent country, a total of 4 medical college assistant training schools were set up in Faridpur, Noagali, Comilla and Kushtia. Following this, it was decided to set up a Medical Assistance Training School Mats in Faridpur with the financial support of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh formed under the leadership of Bangabandhu. There were some complications at the beginning of the selection of the place for setting up a medical school in Faridpur city.

Indu Babu, an honorary member of the Legislative Councilor of Undivided Bengal, established the Ishan Institution on his own land at Laxmipur, the heart of Faridpur city, in the name of his father, the late Raisaheb Ishan Chandra Sarkar, a famous zamindar of the region. Later in 1986, at the initiative of the local administration, with the consent of the descendants of Mr. Roy's family and with the cooperation of other dignitaries in Faridpur, part of Ishan School was closed and Faridpur Medical Assistant Training School Mats was started on 4.25 acres of the school. From 1981 to 1990, the long 15-year Medical Assistant Training School Mats passed a total of 6 medical assistants in 11 batches and played an important role as assistants in the field of health care in the country and abroad. Yet the need for a truly full-fledged medical college and hospital remained.

In 1992, the then government took a policy decision to set up a total of five medical colleges in Faridpur, Khulna, Comilla, Dinajpur and Bogra in the interest of improving the quality of health care for a large section of the population. Memorandum No. Par-1 / Rule-7/09/139 dated 18/03/1992 dated 18/09/1992 of the Par-1 branch of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare with the tireless efforts of the then Minister of Health and Family Welfare Mr. Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf. He issued a notification for the establishment of Faridpur Medical College. The educational activities of the college started on 12th August, 1992 through the admission process of 50 students in the first year MBBS course in the 1991-92 academic year. The context and process of Faridpur Medical College is different from the newly established Anan 4 Medical College. Because the college was not in its own place at the time of its establishment. The then ruling government directed the Faridpur Mats and co-manpower and all other equipments to be used in the proposed medical college for the time being. As a result, the journey of the child named Faridpur Medical College started in the 3-storey administrative building of Faridpur Mats and in the own building of the hostel.

On 22 March 1992, the late Professor Dr. Enayet Kabir Saheb, the son of Kriti of Rajbari in Greater Faridpur, took over as the first Principal of Faridpur Medical College. As soon as he took charge, he started establishing the administration, providing all the facilities and equipment for the educational activities. The process of accommodating students and performing numerous other tasks.
It is true that all the aforementioned MATS materials met the demand for educational activities, but it was certainly not enough compared to the needs of a medical college. Students have suffered a lot in the early stages due to dormitory problems, lack of furniture and lack of necessary equipment. But in the bright hope of the future, everyone is hopeful and patient. Later, in the problem solving project, a dormitory was built on the fourth floor through the vertical extension of the academic building (which was once the traditional Ishan School building) and another dormitory with a fifth floor was built behind it.

At about the same time, work was underway to set up a 250-bed hospital in Faridpur on 6.5 acres of land at Harukandi, next to the Barisal-Faridpur highway. Faridpur 250-bed hospital was declared as Faridpur Medical College Hospital by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in a circular dated January 25, 1997 as there was not enough space to set up a hospital on the same campus of the medical college on only 4.25 acres of land. At that time the distance from the college campus to the hospital was about 3 kilometers. Hon'ble Prime Minister of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina presented a 52-seater bus to the students to ease the difficulties of commuting between colleges and hospitals.

After Prof. Dr. Enayet Kabir Sir, Prof. Dr. Md. Saleman Sheikh (06/01 / 1996-20 / 08/2002 Eng), Prof. Dr. Md. Enamul Karim (20/04 / 2002-02 / 12/2008), Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam (02/12/2008 Eng - 26/07/2010 Eng), Prof. Dr. ASM Jahangir Chowdhury (26/07/2010 - 12/06/2017 Eng), Prof. Dr. SM Khabirul Islam (16/08/20) 2018-30 / 04/2020) and the present one who has successfully served as the Principal is Prof. Dr. Mostafizur Rahman Sir. The more time has passed, the more the watch of hardships and misfortunes has been spent under their able leadership.

At present the learning environment of Faridpur Medical College is very beautiful, quality and disciplined. The results of the professional MBBS examinations, including various internal examinations of the college, are quite satisfactory for the special monitoring of the teachers. The supply of books is higher than ever before. In addition to their studies, the students have engaged themselves in human service through Sandhani and Modini. And the club called Pratiti carries the identity of our mindfulness. Film and Music Society, Photography and Debating Club and Rotaract Club.
Faridpur Medical College Hospital, which started its journey with 250 beds, is going to be upgraded to 650 beds in a few days. Faridpur Medical College Hospital is setting a unique example by modernizing health services and bringing advanced medical services to the doorsteps of the people. In this case, the foresight and efficiency of the present government is being widely observed.

Faridpur Medical College Hospital, which started its journey with 250 beds, is going to be upgraded to 650 beds in a few days. Faridpur Medical College Hospital is setting a unique example by modernizing health services and bringing advanced medical services to the doorsteps of the people. In this case, the foresight and efficiency of the present government is being widely observed.